Climate & Energy
Management Network
The project aims to support the establishment of Climate and Energy Management in municipalities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, which will lead to strengthening of the knowledge about climate change and environmental, social and economic challenges and opportunities arising from climate actions.
Establishment of Climate and Energy Management in municipalities will lead to strengthening of the knowledge about climate change and environmental, social and economic challenges and opportunities arising from climate actions.
The project aims to improve the overall property management towards sustainable energy policy and quality climate and energy management leading to a reduction of CO2, deployment of smart systems, deployment of RES, reduction of energy consumption (5%/per year per municipality) and realization of mitigation and adaptation measures to climate change.
Core Outputs
The project have 3 core outputs:
- Preparation and realization of a Training program for climate and energy managers,
- Establishment of Climate and Energy Management in municipalities,
- Establishment of the “Climate and Energy Management Network”.
The project aims to support the implementation of Climate and Energy Management in 6 municipalities (3 MUs in CZE, 3 MUs in SK), and further maintaining of CEM systems and processes helping to reduce municipal energy consumption and increase RES deployment.
Furthermore, project aims to train at least 14 new climate and energy managers (7 in CZE and 7 in SK) and establish the “Climate and Energy Management Network – CEMN” (CZE, GER and SK cities) for further knowledge exchange. During the project, two training programs will be organized (1 in CZE and 1 in SK, for 10 – 15 participants/per program). Moreover, a “study trip” for CZE and SK participants to German best practice municipalities will be organized (knowledge exchange, 15 – 20 participants). At the same time, a “Peer-review” trip (1 to CZE and 1 to SK) of experienced German climate and energy managers to CZE and SK cities will be conducted too.
Link to the EUKI website:
Příklad dobré praxe
Cílem projektu bylo rekonstruovat stávající zdroj tepla pro město Slavičín, aby byl ekologický a současně byl ekonomicky dlouhodobě udržitelný. Projekt řešil výměnu rozvodů tepla na sídlišti Vlára, zrušení plynové kotelny a připojení rozvodů na centrální kotelnu doplněnou o další zdroj na biomasu a kogenerační jednotku na zemní plyn.
Created by Jiří Háč